For shipping:
Thanks for your order on our website. Your orders will be shipped from our warehouses located in China Mainland, via DHL/FEDEX/TNT. It needs normally 2-7 days to arrive.
Please pay more attention on your shipping info, so that we can ship to you successfully:
For customs tax, we usually put low value on the package to help customers to avoid the customs tax. For some special countries, specially South Africa and some Europe countries, customs tax is not considered in the value on the package so that it should be paid by buyers. If you need any help to avoid it, pls contact us before you place, we will try best to help you.
For payment:
On our website, PayPal, including credit card visa, MasterCard and American express are all accepted.
If you have any problem with the shipping info and payment, pls contat us at once:
Whatsapp: +86-15889965020
FB/IG: @shelahair